Good morning fellow humans! May I sample your spinal fluid? I present the typical Earthkin compensation of a webcomic. I am normal human.

So it’s less month until I marry my best friend, my soul mate, my every­thing, my [ERROR: File ‘ClicheRomanticColloquialism.exe’ Not Found]. I’m ecsta­tic and kind of ter­ri­fied. We’re start­ing to look for a place to live and deal with Christ­mas and every­thing for the wed­ding so my hair is falling out from places I didn’t even know I had hair grow­ing. Also, on an unrelated note did you know that your elbows grow hair and that jerk wig stores that apparently don’t want my dollar won’t sell you elbow wigs?

Because I’ve got so many life chang­ing events on the horizon like finally peeling my sunburn off and changing the oil in my car (oh, and also my wed­ding I guess) this story arc is going to fin­ish up in the next few weeks. Then we’ll have some guest work by my amaz­ingly tal­ented buddy Paul over at Gal­lant Adven­tures hope­fully. I should prob­a­bly ask him about that. Besides, he’s totally in my debt because I did a guest strip for him way back in August. That’s true friend­ship for you, am I right? You do some­thing nice for a pal of yours and hold it over his head until his deathbed and then you tell him he owes you ten bucks for it. Isn’t friend­ship great? Any­way, after that I’ve been work­ing on the next story arc where Pirate, Ninja, and Doc­tor Whoo meet some new char­ac­ters and I haven’t been this stoked since I started the site or that time I got stuck in the fire­place. I can’t remem­ber which.

Thanks for all the views every­body! I’ve been try­ing to make a name for myself and Ninja and Pirate on the inter­webs with this comic and I can’t do it with­out your help. Reddit’s been a punk to me so far and hardly any­one on my face­book reads it and my Twit­ter has only about 30 fol­low­ers so your word of mouth is the best tool in my arse­nal. My view count has dropped dra­mat­i­cally recently and I’m not sure why but if you have any sug­ges­tions feel free to con­tact me! So far there is no fea­si­ble way for me to put out this comic more often with my sched­ule and the lack of views. Don’t get me wrong, I’m incred­i­bly grate­ful for those of you who do read this. But I can’t jus­tify doing 3 comics a week with 32 view­ers, let alone 5. So get the word out if you want more!

If you’re a new viewer to the antics of Ninja and Pirate then your brain is already a part of the collective. The pact is made and the Ritual of Blood begins now!If it’s any con­so­la­tion here’s the first comic in the sto­ry­line: And So It Begins! Sorry about that.

Any­way, take care folks. I’ll see you next week and thanks again for reading!