Hey everybody! Not much to say now! I did change advertisers for the site so if it impedes your enjoyment of the strip let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

Oh it is also national FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! Go to your local comic book store and ask for this year’s FREE COMICS!! FREE!! COMICS!!

In other news…



It’s ten bucks and full of chapters one and two of Ninja and Pirate! Buy it now and help me feed my dog!

Want to help support Ninja and Pirate but are a penny pinching cheapskate like me? NOT A PROBLEM! Here are some totally FREE ways to help support Ninja and Pirate and to make sure I can keep churning out comics for you:

You can vote it up RIGHT HERE to make it one of the top webcomics around!

Upvoting the comic on Reddit right HERE will help them get seen by more people.

And of course there’s the old Facebook page too. Or you can always leave a comment below to let me know what you thought. Finally, I am on Twitter at @NinjaandPirate and you can find the two nutballs themselves at @HeyImPirate and @NinjaIsMyName. We always take all the love and support we can get! 

Most importantly you can always just spread the word about this goofy webcomic to your friends, coworkers, and figments of imagination! I hope you enjoyed this strip and the many many more to come! See you on Wednesday!