Okay, okay. I have the money. Just don’t hurt the duck, okay? He’s all I have anymore! I’ll leave the unmarked bills in a paper bag by the statue in Times Square by 8:00 tonight. Only if you can swear that no harm will come to Captain Huey Dewey McLouie.


Oh god that’s embarrassing. Wrong message. Too bad for me my delete key is busted. Oh well. Just ignore that paragraph above. It’s just…a joke. Yeah. A terrible terrible cruel joke played by a terrible terrible cruel ex-3rd grade teacher.

Regardless, here’s this week’s Ninja and Pirate comic. I hope you enjoy it. I slaved all day over a hot Cintiq for it. Let me know what you think, good or bad, at my e-mail ninja_pirate_comic@yahoo.com or via the Twitternet @ninjaandpirate.

Sorry about the text this time around. I’ve been experimenting with tweaking certain aspects of the comic. Usually the font is size 18 which can easily get crowded so I thought I’d try twelve. It didn’t work that well. You can always zoom in your browser. Sorry again.

Some of you may be first time view­ers to Ninja and Pirate! If you are then I apologize sincerely because it was shot down over the seas of Japan. It spun and…there were no survivors. Anyway, here’s a link to the first comic in this sto­ry­line: LINK TO TRAVESTIES AND SHENANIGANS. We’re glad to have you here and I hope you enjoy!!

Keep check­ing back every week to see the adven­tures of Ninja and Pirate each and every Wednes­day. Tell your friends to see it as well. Unless your friends are blind. In which case that would probably be insensitive and, let’s face it, rather awkward. The more sight-enabled read­ers I have means the more often I can post comics. If I get enough inter­est gen­er­ated in this comic I can start pro­duc­ing mer­chan­dise for you all, and if start mak­ing enough income from this comic I can increase the num­ber of comics to maybe, in time, five per week! I would love to just do comics for you lovely peo­ple, plus it would make the story lines go a lot faster! So tell your friends and loved-ones about Ninja and Pirate and have them do the same! Forcibly if necessary! On an unrelated note, have you seen or read Clockwork Orange?

Anyway, that’s enough for now buoys and ghouls and my people viewers too. You’d be amazed how much fanmail Ninja and Pirate get from inanimate floating lights and specters from the ether. It’s pretty irritating actually.