Excuse me! Have you seen a webcomic with a Ninja and a Pirate run this way? It’s wild and dangerous and may have rabies! Whatever you do don’t look at it! It will take it as a sign of aggression and attack! Oh no! There is is!

Before you die, allow me to tell you some important things about stuff. First of all today’s comic is brought to you by the fine folks at the Why Would You Keep Those Two Things Together?! Company, Ltd. They make such great products as the Lemon Juice Dipped Shaving Razor and Orange Juice and Toothpaste Pastries! Check out their stuff! It’s horrible! Also, we see how wonderful Ninja’s life is! I’m sure that even Clarence would tell him, “You know what? Go ahead. Even better- I’ll push.” If you didn’t get that reference than you have neither a soul nor any taste in movies and Ninja, Pirate, Dr. Whoo, and myself are very disappointed in you Mr. Richest Man in Bedford Falls.

Thanks so much to everyone who viewed the comic last week! I got nearly 175 views on it which makes me feel popular! It doesn’t make me popular but I feel like I am. I’m hoping the viewers steadily increase and if so then we’re off to a good start! Thanks again folks! You guys are why I do this and why I keep doing it!

In case you missed it (and you didn’t because you’re a good per­son who likes good things right?) I had a guest spot on the mar­velous web­comic Gal­lant Adven­tures a few weeks ago! My good friend Paul has a comic at gallantadventurescomic.com and I was able to take tie him up in the darkness and bind him so he couldn’t draw it and I’d take over! That was a Lord of the Rings thing by the way, not a Christian Grey thing. (mostly) Gal­lant Adven­tures is a fan­tas­tic all-ages comic drawn by one of the most tal­ented peo­ple I have ever met: Drawie McSketcherson. Also, Paul. Paul has a rockin’ beard and can ink like nobody’s busi­ness. He also likes mup­pets so he can’t be all bad. He takes com­mis­sionstoo and is well worth your hard-earned dime! His lovely squeeze Sheila  has a tum­blr that can be found here and it’s so worth it. She also can draw a saddest hamster you have ever seen. Take my word for it. Hamtaro has nothing on her. That’s still relevant, right?

In other news, I am going to the Fan Days Con in Dal­las in Octo­ber! You should all come out to see me and get cool stuff like key­chains, mag­nets, busi­ness cards, cool prints and draw­ings, and maybe even a Dr. Whoo plushie! It’s gonna make you squirt enjoyment out of your nostrils! And you can meet me and tell me what you think of the comic and crush my dreams of being a successful artist! Also make sure to tell your friends about Ninja and Pirate’s weekly adven­tures. Get them to read it and tell their friends. The more read­ers I have means the more often I can post comics. If I get enough inter­est gen­er­ated in this comic I can start pro­duc­ing mer­chan­dise for you all, and if start mak­ing enough income from this comic I can increase the num­ber of comics to maybe, in time, five per week! I would love to just do comics for you lovely peo­ple, plus it would make the story lines go a lot faster! So tell your friends and loved-ones about Ninja and Pirate and have them do the same!

Enjoy the new links page! In it is a bunch of links that lead to some fan­tas­tic web­comics and blogs that I fre­quent and are well worth your time! The blogs are both edu­ca­tional and amus­ing and the comics are some of the best pro­fes­sional and indie stuff out there. Care­ful though! The links are quite hot! …get it? Guys? I haven’t made that joke yet right?

I have a deviantart account under the name JMFlan­ders and it has a bunch of my other work on it. Work that’s dras­ti­cally dif­fer­ent from Ninja and Pirate, so be warned. Give it a glance if you want. You’ll find Fan Art, Con­cep­tual Work, and some pretty twisted mon­ster designs! I’m open for com­mis­sions too! You can also fol­low me under the name @ninjaandpirate on Twit­ter! Shameless self promotion!

Welp, that’s it for now! I’ll see you all next week! Don’t for­get to pass the word on about Ninja and Pirate! If you say the secret word while telling your friends about it then you win a brand new bag of trail mix! Yay! Trail mix!

Also by ‘trail mix’ I mean a ziploc baggie of raisins and packing peanuts.