Uh-oh! Ninja’s been caught by the nefarious hands of Marty! Wow. Uh, you know what, it’s possible Marty is in the wrong profession. I mean, “Marty”? No one is scared of a guy named Marty. It’s hard to even say it without hearing Doc Brown in your head. Maybe that’s why he turned to a life of bounty hunting. And hey, it’s the first appearance of Rob! That’s pretty neat! Fun fact: he’s actually the first character I designed for this storyline. I doodled him and this story sort of sprung from that. Interesting that he’s the last one introduced. Well, interesting to me I guess.

Secondly, my buddy’s band FINALLY put some of their stuff online! Check them out here! They are not entirely kid friendly but they are so worth it. Check out the incredibly talented Taylor Machine right here: https://soundcloud.com/thetaylormachine

Welp, I’m heading to bed seeing as it is WAY past my bedtime and I have to go to my actual bill-paying job tomorrow morning. See you all Saturday!