So another day goes by and another group of American schoolchildren have been gunned down by an assailant. That’s just great. I can’t wait to send my kids to school next year when there still hasn’t been any sensible gun control brought to the Senate. I’m tired of this. I’m tired of little children dying do to some man’s fragile ego and itchy trigger finger. How many kids do we need to allow to die in front of the government before they stop letting them get massacred by these home grown insurgents? This isn’t right. It isn’t normal. And it is certainly not okay. Please call your senators if you live in the US and beg them to at least have mandatory background checks at the very LEAST. And remember how many Republicans are on the NRA’s payroll. It’s public record that they have traded children’s lives for blood money. How many psychos are going to march proudly into their school with cobalt steel cool in their hands looking to end someone’s future before it happens to you or yours? Living in America is no longer a matter of ‘if’ a mass shooting happens to you- it’s “when”.