Diogenes of Sinope was a philosopher of cynicism in ancient Greece. When Plato was futzing around all high and mighty after defining a man as a ‘featherless biped’ (reminder kangaroos had yet to be invented by exiled purse-snatching englishmen) Diogenes kicked open the door to his school holding a plucked chicken proclaiming “Oh wow! Look at this human! It’s such a person, isn’t it! Gee, nice to meet you Mr. Man, may I call you Hugh?” then threw it on the ground and left the classroom leaving the students understandably confused at what just happened so that he could do something more important, like urinate on passers by. Truly an absolute legend. Then, a few thousand years later he showed up in some hack’s webcomic riding a dinosaur. Equal synapses it seems. Indeed. Most indeededly.

Oh and happy Valentine’s day to those who celebrate. I’ve got to go do something last minute for my wife and pretend it was super thought out and heartfelt. She really lucked out when she got me.