It’s my 666th comic! So naturally I had to play on the superstitions. Strangely enough, in my research for this comic, I learned that Baphomet is a symbol primarily of duality in that its depicted with male and female attributes, and carries a shield with the staff of Caduceus to represent healing as well as death. Baphomet represents the animal side of man, and the human side as well as the rational and irrational. Kind of neat.

Furthermore, around the time the book of Revelations was written, many Hebrews practiced a form of gematria, the practice of assigning a numerical value to a name. This allowed them to speak in coded messages. Using gematria and the Greek spelling of “Nero Caesar” transliterated into Hebrew short-form produces the number 666. However, the Latin translation into Hebrew short-form, the version the Greek bible was translated from, the gematria is actually 616 which also equates to the same name. Thus, not only is the ‘Satanic big bad evil number’ actually supposed to be 616, but it truly refers to Nero Caesar, who was the Roman emperor from 55 to 68 AD and can be seen in the previous chapter here at Ninja and Pirate. Kinda neat, huh?

Also, according to ancient numeral symbolism the number 6 was often used to represent humanity or mankind. So if the number of the most evil creature in all the land is 666- who do you think the REAL infernal monster is, HMMMM? That’s right. Peer pressure. As always.

Anyway, I hope you all have a great day!