My little sister got married yesterday! Her wedding was a blast and my wife knocked it out of the freaking park doing all the crazy decorations and stuff with it! And I have a bunch of family from across the nation in town and its so cool seeing everybody here! Of course I’m running on fumes watching all these little kids and also being a groomsman to a super cool dude. Seriously, pal, she could not have picked a better dude. I am beyond proud to call you my brother.

Anyway, on a different note I wanted to draw attention to the punchline of today’s comic. I did my darnedest to make sure this joke wasn’t offensive to any of my wonderful readers who are a part of the LGBTQ community and the most common feedback was the fact that the lions presented here might be a tad effeminate which can be seen as a stereotype of male gays. I want to say it here loud: BEING GAY DOES NOT MAKE YOU ANY LESS OF A MAN. If you want to be effeminate, BE EFFEMINATE. YOU’RE NOT HURTING ANYBODY. There’s NOTHING wrong with being effeminate either. As if trying to be more like women is a bad thing? Please. Being gay has no reflection on how much or how little machismo you have. Heck, one of the groomsmen at my sister’s wedding is gay and the dude could bench press me easy. So I guess what I’m saying is, the joke here is on the double meaning of the word “pride”. And that if a dude is into other dudes, that doesn’t mean he acts like a fashion designer all the time but if he does- who cares? Doesn’t make him any less of a person one way or the other. And it’s the same way for girls too. Just because a girl likes other girls doesn’t mean one of them has to be butch and into construction with hair shaved short. But if one of them is, then that’s who they are and how they want to be. So really, if you take one thing away from this comic it should be: sometimes words can have more than one definition and if they do it’s like playing comedy on easy mode. I had a wedding to help with guys, I can’t always write pure gold. …I can’t write gold most of the time either but that’s beside the point you know that.